Exhibition “110 years since the birth of the artist Lena Stefanova”
National Gallery of the Republic of North Macedonia has the special honor and pleasure to announce the exhibition entitled “110 years since the birth of the artist Lena Stefanova”.
The exhibition will be opened on December 20, 2023 at 12:00 o’clock in the Cifte Amam building. It is very challenging to organize a jubilee exhibition and to mark 110 years since the birth of the artist Lena Stefanova.
Jubilee exhibitions always provide an opportunity to conclude that someone’s work denoted its era in a special and peculiar manner.
There are very few written texts and analytic studies dedicated to the life and work of Lena Stefanova.
Indeed, the few catalogues from her posthumous exhibitions do provide some insight into her art, but there are relatively short texts that do not delve into a more detailed analysis of her work.
In the history of modern Macedonian painting, Lena Stefanova has a founding and distinct place. She belongs to the generation of artists who, though feeling and experiencing the moral and
spiritual tensions of their time, joined contemporary life, without hesitation accepting the flows of contemporary art.
Lena Stefanova plays a great role as the first artist in the contemporary Macedonian art.