Еxhibition of Angel Dimovski-Chaush “50 years of creative work”

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We inform you that on February 1, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., the retrospective exhibition of Angel Dimovski-Chaush entitled “50 years of creative work” will be opened in the National Gallery, Chifte Amam building, and it is also an opportunity for the Macedonian cultural public to get acquainted with the rich creative oeuvre of this artist of ours who has been living and working on the Macedonia-France route for several decades.

The works that Angel Dimovski Chaush created during the past fifty years have four thematic/ideal units. They are composed of figurative, objective, linguistic and archaeological-ethnographic contents.
On the stylistic level, personal expression has been achieved in all four thematic units, as a combination of inventively used eclecticism of archaic, primitivist, their modernist-avant-garde remakes, pop and rock culture. In that sense, the sculptures of Angel Dimovski Chaush belong to the modernist avant-garde line that brought the primitive into the modern. These are sculptures whose common denominator is the intention to express the language of the body shaped in stylized robust and elegant anatomical distortions, or reduced to an abstracted body-shell in activity. In his works, the main motif is recognized – the woman and the accompanying motif of the bird, while the associations of intertwining the anthropomorphic with the zoomorphic, and vice versa, are often present.
The other whole is represented by painting-sculpture objects with a critical engagement of specific current situations, developments and processes in ecology, politics, cultural heritage, national identity, traffic (non)culture.
The third unit is married to the script/language, to the literates and language codifiers of the Old Slavic Glagolic and Cyrillic, and to the modern Macedonian language, while the fourth unit is a sort of homage to the so-called primitivism of black sculpture combined with the sensibility of pop and rock culture, to which the artist belongs from the time of his youth.

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